Tuesday, March 18, 2008


The title of this blog entry is compliments of Sarah and Mike. They used this word in their messages to us after the last posting. We like this word, because it describes where we are at this moment in time in our process and is action oriented and empowering. We want to thank those who continue to follow this blog and provide their support. We added a data tracker and are able to see that we are getting views from 10 states and two different countries - US and Canada. Interesting and exciting metrics to read and track!

We are sorry that we have not posted in a while. We decided to bug out of Kyiv for a more rural setting this past weekend. And are glad we did. Took a three hour bone crushing bus ride to Uman to stay in the hotel there over night and visit Sophia Park. Getting there and back was an adventure in itself, and we definitely got another viewpoint on Ukraine. New photos are posted on the photo log link to the right. We will save this story for later because we have some good news we want to share.

This morning our coordinator called and told us she was called to the adoption center for a meeting. We just received a message from her, and it appears that we have a second appointment tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2:00! We have few details, but hope that this means that the perseverance has paid off! This is really the first good news we have had since implementing our revised strategy/approach. If all goes well and there is a child for us, we could be on the way to the region to visit the child by the end of the week! Yippie!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Great news Scott and Lara! We are thinking about you every day! Maybe we will make the trek to Minnesota to visit the new addition! Keith and Trish

Anonymous said...

Great news! No matter what occurs tomorrow, at least things are moving. We will be thinking about you and praying at 8am Cincinnati time! The Kyiv timeclock is a great addition to the blog.

Love, Chris and Carole

Anonymous said...

Scott & Lara,

What a breakthrough to finally get an appointment established. By the time you'll have read this you will already have been at the appointment. But I wanted to express my congratulations & optimism that this will be the start of a new phase in your journey.

We miss you around the office, Scott. Dan, Mike & I are reading your posts routinely.

All the best to you both.
