Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A New Link to View Photos!

This is a symptom of not enough to do and time on my hands. I need a project so figured out a way to post more photos more efficiently. If you look just above the lovely photo to the right of Lara and I you will see a link to our new photo album. In the album are photos and descriptions of the sights that we have seen. You can run slide shows or look at them individually. Have fun with them and let us know if you have any trouble with it and if you like this format.


Anonymous said...

I look forward to your posts every day. The pics are a nice addition. St. Andrew's is very interesting-- the interior set up is orthodox, but the icons on the icon screen are very western looking. I wonder what the history of that church is?

I found a website that has a clock giving Ukrainian time-- right now it is 2:54 in the afternoon for you (8:54am here). Hope your day is going well-- I've got to get to work!
Love, Chris

Ukrainian time site: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=367

Anonymous said...

We LOVED the pictures...and the blogging. We feel like we are spying on you. Thanks for sharing your journey.

We have decided to make the SLUAA part of our evening ritual.

If you can send us an address, we will get some reading material out to you. (No, it won't be business books..well okay..maybe some of them will be)

If there is anything else you need, let us know we will try to get a care package over there.

Do vstrechi

Scott and Joe

Mitzi said...

Hey kids,
It has been so enjoyable and informative to read your blogs. I sympathize with you over the inconveniences you're facing. It will all be worthwhile in the long run. Enjoy the time you're spending together now as a couple. That private time will soon be much harder to come by. Can I send you some good books and magazines to read? How about some DVDs? Need anything else? I have a box full of books for the little person. Dr. Suess and friends ride around with me all day hoping I'll make it to the post office soon. Take care, and continue to push ahead with your positive attitudes.

Anonymous said...

We sure are enjoying your blog and all the photos. We feel like we are right there with you sharing your journey. Thanks for all your blogging, we can't get enough of it and look forward to hearing more about your Ukranian adventures, wardrobe changes (the bling), and snippets into your daily life. I can only imagine how you must feel knowing there is child there waiting for your open arms and how lucky he or she will be. Let's hope this journey continues in the right direction and you get meet your little one soon.
Love, the Sorensens
Missy, Andy, Lukas and Emma